Welcome to Algebraic Progression Beta

Number = 0
You are getting 0 points per second
Reset Points: 0

randomtuba - I'm the one who made this game, and I'm the developer (main mechanics, some CSS)
TheMKeyHolder & Yahtzee Master - Thank you for doing the nitty-gritty work for me (Max all, CSS improvements, bugfixes)
yourself - Thank you for balancing this game.
Boo, Fishydids, and P.I.G. - Thank you for being testers and testing the game.
Patcail - Thank you for making Ordinal Markup. This game had some inspirations from it.
Hevipelle - Thank you for making Antimatter Dimensions. You are a god. This game had some inspirations from it.
NOTE: All of the achievements below are possible in this game.

1. Get your first Autoclicker
2. Get your first Point Factory
3. Get your first Point Portal
4. Get an x
5. Buy an upgrade
6. Unlock the generator multiplier
7. Reach 100,000,000 points
8. Get a y
9. Reset
10. Get a Reset Table Upgrade
11. Unlock Coordinate Plane
12. Unlock Automation
13. Get 11 Reset Table Upgrades
14. Unlock Square Root
15. Get 20 root essence
16. Reach 10,000 Reset Points

You are generating 0x per minute.
Sacrificed y's: 0

You have 0 root essence.
The next milestone is 10 root essence.

Click the button to select a Root Epicenter Task.
Then enter Square Root to go into the Root Epicenter Task!
RET Completions: 0

Autoclickers: 0

Point Factories: 0

Point Portals: 0

Current generator multiplier: 3x